Starting July 14th, Copa Airlines will fly to the city of Iquitos on the Amazon River. This flight connects, with no time loss at the Panama Airport, with the Copa flights coming from Miami as well as from Los Angeles. In a few hours visitors can be traveling down the Amazon River to experience one of the Wonders of the Natural World, the Amazon River and Rainforest.

Amazon Explorama Lodges offers adventures to fit every traveler’s expectation. Soft adventurers will enjoy the comforts of Ceiba Tops with air conditioning, private baths and a pool. For the more rustic experience ExplorNapo Lodge is nestled in the largest of Explorama’s private rainforest reserves. With a stay of two or more nights, everyone can experience the unique bird’s eye view of the forest from the Explorama Amazon Canopy Walkway. A visit to Explorama Lodges located in the tropical rain forest along the Amazon and Napo Rivers and their tributaries of the Amazon Basin, holds a special experience for scientists, biologists, students of ecotourism, environmentalists and anyone – young & old alike – who are interested in conservation of our natural resources.

Explorama Lodges,