In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, OASIS Travel Network, an award-winning host travel agency, has shared insight into how its members are utilizing social media marketing to emerge from the pandemic, attract new clients and keep existing clients coming back.

With so many social platforms to choose from, it can be difficult to decipher which you should be spending your time on. Of the social media platforms available for marketing purposes, 83.3% of OTN members say they put most of their efforts into Facebook, while 49.1% prioritize Instagram and 15.8% focus on LinkedIn. Though the majority of OTN members surveyed don’t utilize Facebook groups for business purposes (53.3%), those who do find the groups—and social media marketing overall—offer opportunities for connection, especially post-pandemic.

“I feel social media marketing helps build the know, like and trust factor with my current travelers,” said Nikki Miller, Owner, Travel with Nikki. “It helps keep you top of mind and helps increase those connections by letting travelers know you’re a real person and not just a computer or someone sitting behind a desk.”

How do the benefits of social media marketing differ from traditional print or email marketing? Some OTN members note it’s the quickest way to get in front of an audience, while others note that it’s a timesaver over traditional blogs and offers a seamless way to connect with referrals. 37.5% percent of members say social media marketing engages more clients than traditional print or email marketing. OTN members say repeat business is the top generator of their overall sales, however it’s social media that keeps clients coming back time and again.

Social media marketing is also noted as being a more affordable alternative to traditional strategies, though budgets set aside for marketing efforts vary across OTN’s membership. 53.3% say they don’t spend anything, while 39.1% say they allocate $100 or less per month.

“That’s all it takes—$5 a week!” said Sutra Borgeson, CTA, Event & Travel Specialist and CEO/Owner, Creative Travel & Events.

When it comes to social media marketing challenges OTN members face, 30.8% say they don’t have time to consistently post, while 24.1% say they sometimes don’t know what content is most helpful to share at that particular time. To help assist with this and save time, OTN’s member intranet offers access to a wide variety of pre-prepared content that members are free to use in their social media marketing efforts.

OASIS Travel Network,